Any manager can attest to the power of productivity. Time is critical to the success of teams. From workflow efficiency, to output, being able to do more in less time can be the difference between a company that scales and one that is stagnant. Technology solutions like productivity apps and artificial intelligence give teams the tools they need to create better content, faster.
It’s no secret that presentations can be a time-suck, especially if your team is caught in the perpetual burden of PowerPoint. Luckily, Beautiful.ai makes it easy for teams to design presentations quickly without compromising quality.
AI presentations
The primary purpose of artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace is to automate tedious, repetitive tasks. Things like creating presentations from scratch, fidgeting with text boxes and image sizes in design, and proofreading documents can all be automated to make workflows more efficient.
DesignerBot uses generative AI to handle the presentation design from beginning to end. It expedites the brainstorming process and takes you from a topic or idea to a full presentation deck draft in seconds. DesignerBot makes it easier than ever for non-designers to create a new AI presentation from scratch, regardless of the content. Users can opt to create a new deck, or individual slide, with DesignerBot by entering a short description (or prompt) based on what they need. Teams have the liberty to add as many keywords as they see fit to generate a fully built, totally customized presentation draft populated with appropriate text, layouts, photos, icons and design. This gives teams the framework they need to get started without staring endlessly at a blank screen.
AI presentations are meant to act as a collaborator on your work. They provide a truly automated zero-to-finish experience to Beautiful.ai’s presentation ecosystem - eliminating hours of frustrating effort to design and craft a beautiful presentation narrative.
You may know what content you want to include, but don’t know how to structure the story or choose the right slides to get your point across. Presentation and Smart Slide templates help guide you through the narrative of your story in a way that makes sense.
Presentation templates
Pre-built presentation templates can help you with the design layout for specific decks or topics. For example, if you’re creating a marketing plan presentation, but don’t know how to organize the slides, a pre-built template can help inspire your own ideas. Beautiful.ai’s robust library of presentation templates is curated by industry experts with the principles of good design in mind so that there’s something for everyone, every team, and every story. Each template is fully customizable, giving teams a jumping off point for their own content.
Smart Slide templates
Not everyone is a designer by trade, and getting hung up on the granular deck design options can be an efficiency killer if you’re not careful. Beautiful.ai wants you to work smarter, not harder, which is why we put design guardrails in place to ensure professional and clean slides. Our Smart Slides templates act as your personal designer helping you align text boxes, resize images, and condense text in a fraction of the time.
Team themes
Presentation themes in general help keep things visually consistent across all slides. With custom themes, you can select (or upload) your own fonts, colors, and logos. For businesses, this means every presentation maintains company branding and design guidelines. Providing a shared team theme for your colleagues and partners to use in presentations helps to ensure that everything stays professional and on-brand from deck to deck. It also gives teams back the time it would take to tinker with and select different colors or fonts.
In Beautiful.ai, once a theme is selected it is automatically applied to each slide within the deck. For teams, this makes implementing branding much more seamless and time efficient.
Collaboration in the cloud
Revisions and approvals can be repetitive: make edits to your deck, export the new version, email it to your team for feedback, rinse and repeat. Waiting for a response and final sign-off on your presentation can take days and delay the project. That’s why working in the cloud is a major productivity-booster and streamlines the collaboration process. When your work lives in the cloud you can make edits on the fly and it will automatically be pushed out to every live version of the deck, no matter who has a link and where they are. This is great for last minute metrics, personalizing pitches to specific clients, and correcting typos or misinformation on the way to a meeting.
Collaborating made easy
There are instances where you may need input or information from a colleague to get your deck over the line. Collaborating in the cloud is a game changer. Now each team member can work in the same deck, at the same time, and collaborate on slides. In Beautiful.ai you can add comments or call-outs to slides in real-time and your colleague is notified so that they can make any necessary edits. Not only does this save hours of time, it unlocks a new way to communicate and a better way to collaborate.
Shared library
You’ve heard the saying, too many cooks in the kitchen. When it comes to presentations that can easily translate to a hodgepodge of mismatched slides and inconsistencies in content. Giving your team access to a centralized library gives them a jumping off point to reference other company-approved decks or previously-used content. With one time design, teams can simply create a slide once, tag it, and their peers and colleagues can use it infinitely. Now the right slide is right in your presentation maker, so everyone can create applause-worthy decks without missing important bits of content. In a shared library everything lives under one roof in a single, searchable place and eliminates the back-and-forth of trying to track down content to add to a slide.